miércoles, julio 04, 2007

Compu.....!!! Te extrañamos !

Protestemos para que nuestro server vuelva a estar online, no se porq estos señores del nic.ni la tomaron en contra de nuestro server solo por el hecho de que ciertos miembros del foro dañaron el sitio web del nic.ni y comentaron dichos hechos en el foro.

A como PP dijo en su blog:

... si bien lo dice el disclaimer "No somos responsables por los comentarios de los miembros"

No veo porque la tenia que agarrar nuestra compu...

Compu te estrañamos :'(

Toda la comunidad de Ingeniería en Computación estamos de duelo....
Unanse a la protesta !!!

Salvemos el foro !!!
There is no place like [http://computacion.uni.edu.ni]

1 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Morland, and desired him to speak a speech for the company. http://startso11.info/Elektrroniczna+Skrzynka+Podawcza.html. Don't you move now; I http://startso11.info/fabryka+rozsiewaczy.html am more used to water than you are.. As I entered the room http://startso11.info/chemiczne+usuwanie+twardosci+wody.html I was heated, my head was swimming with confused apprehension, my eyes must have glared.. There has been so much said, and, on the whole, so well said, that I http://startso11.info/www.wiersze+.pl.html will not occupy the time.. The desires which are realized in these dreams are left over from http://startso11.info/mapa+drogowa+ba%C5%82kany.html the day or, as a rule, the day previous, and the feeling has become intently emphasized and fixed during the day thoughts.. Why didn't he wait till another time when the deacon was alone, as he was? If http://startso11.info/www.missglad.pl.html she had her way she never would, speak to Squire Hopkins again, nor to his wife, either.. The brunette daughter could not have found http://startso11.info/Renault+Lesyno.html an eye anywhere in his countenance as she rustled out after her mother.. She put on, therefore, her most gracious aspect, and mingled in the circle; caused the schoolmaster to be http://startso11.info/fghkgfd.html presented to her, and did her best to fascinate him by certain airs and graces which she had found successful elsewhere.. Yo'-all's f'om up http://startso11.info/www.rmffm+posel.html No'th likely.. Here I will stop in order that I may recapitulate the results of the analysis of the http://startso11.info/hurtownia+papieros%C3%B3w.html dream.. The audience were disappointed, but waited. http://wowyesaf.info/s%C5%82onecznik.html. Van Kamp, back in the woodshed, looked http://startso11.info/www.eurotic.pl.html about him with an eye of content.. These, consequently, we have http://startso11.info/pi%C5%82ka.html repeated in the interpretation of the dream.. ' http://startso11.info/com++tv+polonia++bytom.html The absurdity of the dream becomes the more glaring when I state that Mr.. I therefore content myself with the mere assertion, and will cite an http://startso11.info/moj.html example, not for conviction but for explication.. I have http://startso11.info/guraszka+guraszka.html seen copies of the landscapes of the Italian painter Claude which seemed to me faint reminiscences of that calm and happy vision.. Ralph went out on the porch http://startso11.info/funner.html and smoked.. He gathered his ample dressing-gown http://startso11.info/STYLIZACJA.html about him, and stepped from the piazza with no other protection from the sun than the little smoking cap upon his head.. The elements adjoining http://rebestal.info/certfikacja+maszyn.html the wish-fulfillment have frequently nothing to do with its sense, but prove to be descendants of painful thoughts which oppose the wish.. He subsumed what occurred between his parents under the conception violence http://startso11.info/www.ERM+FM.html and wrestling, and thus reached a sadistic conception of the coitus act, as often happens among children...